Opump Breathing Trainer BryanThinks.com

Hey there! Today, I’ll be reviewing the Opump Breathing Trainer and sharing my personal experience with it. As someone who owns this product and has used it regularly, I can say with confidence that this review is definitely worth your time.

First things first, let me assure you that this is an honest review. I’m not paid to say anything positive or negative about the product. Instead, I’m here to share my unbiased and straightforward thoughts about the Opump Breathing Trainer.

Now, onto the review. Simply put, the Opump Breathing Trainer is a fantastic tool that can help you improve your respiratory strength, lung capacity, and overall breathing health. 

Throughout this review, I’ll be sharing with you both the positives and negatives of the product. But before we dive into that, let me give you a brief preview of what you’ll learn. I’ll be explaining how it works, my experience with it, and whether or not I think it’s worth your money. So, if you’re interested in breathing trainers or are looking for a way to improve your lung health, keep reading!

Opump Breathing Trainer Overview

As someone with a passion for fitness and a love for being active, I’m always looking for new ways to improve my athletic performance. And that’s where the Opump Breathing Trainer comes in. This nifty little device is designed to help improve your respiratory muscles, lung capacity, and overall breathing health.

But here’s the cool part – it does it through a series of enjoyable games! The Opump Breathing Trainer incorporates a range of exercises and games that are both fun and challenging. It’s a great way to keep your breathing muscles engaged and active, even during idle time.

The Opump Breathing Trainer is super easy to use. It only takes 10 minutes of breathing exercises per day, and the device is rechargeable, so you don’t have to worry about buying batteries. It’s also easy to clean – just use water will do.

Overall, if you’re looking for a way to improve your breathing health while having some fun, the Opump Breathing Trainer is definitely worth a try. It may seem like a small investment, but the benefits are endless. Give it a go and see for yourself!

Vital Capacity Measurement

As someone who has used the OPUMP Breathing Trainer, I can say that the Vital Capacity Measurement feature is a game-changer. Basically, it records your lung capacity during each testing session. And trust me, it’s a lot more fun than it sounds, especially when you see the progress every time!

But wait, there’s more. The OPUMP also has an inspiratory volume and inspiratory speed indicator, which means it can be used as a real-time tester and trainer. This is great for tracking your progress and seeing how far you’ve come.

And the best part? It’s super easy to use! Just follow the instructions and you’ll be on your way to better respiratory strength and lung health in no time. Plus, the OPUMP has a range of fun and challenging games to keep you engaged and motivated.

Personalized Courses and Games

One of the things that sets the OPUMP apart from other breathing trainers is its personalized courses and games. With the free OPUMP app, you can customize your training based on your goals – whether it’s for singing, sports, or just overall health. This means that the device will create training courses that are tailored specifically to your needs, ensuring that you get the most out of every session.

But it’s not just about the personalized courses – the OPUMP also has a variety of fun and interactive games that make training more engaging and entertaining. Let’s face it, breathing exercises can be pretty dull, but the OPUMP’s game design takes this into account and makes training feel less like a chore.

And the best part? The device is incredibly user-friendly and easy to use, even for those who are new to respiratory muscle training. The live guidance feature ensures that you’re performing the exercises correctly, while the data-driven approach allows you to monitor your progress and track your improvements over time.

Well Polished Mobile App

Using the app is easy – all you have to do is connect to the device via Bluetooth. From there, you’ll have access to all sorts of helpful features. 

What’s really cool is that the app keeps track of your training history, so you can monitor your progress and see just how much you’re improving over time. And if you find yourself getting bored with the training exercises, the app also offers a variety of mini games that get more challenging as you progress.

Overall, I couldn’t be happier with my OPUMP and the accompanying mobile app. It’s made a real difference in my respiratory health and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their lung function.

Aesthetically Pleasing Design

I have to say that one of the things I really love about it is its aesthetic design. This thing is seriously beautiful – from its sleek black color to its minimalist form, it’s just a joy to look at.

But it’s not just about looks – the design is also incredibly functional. One of the things I really appreciate is the LED display, which not only shows your breathing stats but also gives you guidance in real time. The Flow Rate LED, Flow Volume LED, and Power/Bluetooth LED make it easy to see your status at a glance, without having to fumble around with an app or anything like that.

And speaking of the app, I have to say that the design there is pretty great too – it’s clean and simple, with just the right amount of information and no unnecessary clutter. The layout is intuitive, so even if you’re not a tech whiz, you should be able to figure it out pretty easily.

All in all, I have to say that the OPUMP breathing trainer is not just a great tool for improving your respiratory health, it’s also a pleasure to use and to look at.

Advanced Technology

It features MEMS sensors to accurately measure the user’s breath, an automatic air flow resistance design to adjust the difficulty level, and an LED display for real time feedback.

This technology makes it easy to keep track of your progress and make sure you’re getting the most out of your workouts.

MEMS Sensors

So what exactly is a MEMS Sensor? Well, it stands for Microelectromechanical System Sensor. Basically, it’s a tiny, highly sensitive sensor that can detect real-time inspiratory speed and volume with high accuracy. It’s like having a personal trainer for your respiratory muscles!

Compared to the traditional press sensor, the MEMS Sensor is much more sensitive and precise. It can pick up on even the slightest changes in your breathing patterns, allowing you to track your progress with greater accuracy. This is especially useful for people like me who are trying to improve their lung capacity and respiratory strength.

Overall, the MEMS Sensor on the Opump Breathing Trainer is a highly advanced and useful technology for anyone looking to improve their lung health and respiratory strength. And even though it sounds technical, it’s actually very easy to use – just breathe into the device and let it work its magic!

Automatic Air Flow Resistance Design

Now, don’t let the technical name intimidate you – it’s actually pretty simple!

Basically, the Opump automatically adjusts the resistance of the air flow as you breathe in. This means that the device provides a customized training experience for your respiratory muscles, just like a personal trainer would at the gym. The best part? You don’t have to worry about adjusting anything yourself – it’s all done for you!

So, what are the benefits of this Automatic Air Flow Resistance Design? Well, for starters, it helps you improve your lung capacity and respiratory strength. This is particularly helpful for athletes who need to improve their cardiorespiratory endurance and for people recovering from chest infections who may have trouble breathing deeply.

But the benefits don’t stop there! Respiratory muscle training (RMT) has been shown to improve overall lung health and function. It can even help increase your anaerobic threshold, which means you can exercise at a higher intensity for longer periods of time without getting tired.

The Automatic Air Flow Resistance Design means you don’t have to waste any idle time adjusting the resistance yourself. It takes the guesswork out of adjusting the resistance and provides a customized training experience for your specific needs. And let’s be real, anything that makes breathing exercises easier and more effective is a win in my book!

LED Display

As someone who’s been using the Opump Breathing Trainer for a while now, I can confidently say that the LED Display is one of my favorite features of this device. Not only does it make monitoring my progress super easy, but it also provides guidance on how I can improve my breathing technique.

The LED Display shows my status and gives me real-time feedback on my breathing activity. It tells me how long I’ve been breathing in and out, how many breaths I’ve taken, and how much air I’ve been inhaling and exhaling. This helps me keep track of my progress and motivates me to improve.

And the best part? The LED Display is incredibly easy to read and understand. I appreciate that the Opump team made it user-friendly and accessible for everyone. So, even if you’re not a fitness guru or a breathing expert, you can still benefit from the Opump Breathing Trainer and its LED Display.

Opump Product Specification

One of the things that I appreciate about this product is the fact that it has a wide-ranging measurement capacity from 0ml to 4500ml. This means that I can gradually increase my respiratory strength and lung capacity over time by following the recommendations on the LED Display. Speaking of the LED Display, it’s incredibly user-friendly and easy to understand, providing real-time feedback on my breathing activity and personalized guidance on how to optimize my training.

As for the battery capacity, the Opump Breathing Trainer has a lithium battery with a capacity of 400mAh. This ensures that I can use it for up to 15 hours before needing a recharge. And speaking of recharging, it only takes 2 hours to fully charge the device using the 5V 1A charging input.

In terms of physical specs, the Opump Breathing Trainer is compact and lightweight, measuring 35x35x136mm and weighing just 100g. Its material is made of durable ABS plastic, ensuring that it can withstand any accidental drops or impacts during my training sessions. And with Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity, I can easily sync it up with my phone and track my progress over time.

Use It Separately Or Connect It to An App

I have to say that I am super impressed with its versatility. Not only can I use it as a standalone device to improve my respiratory strength and lung capacity, but I can also connect it to the Opump app to track my progress and take my training to the next level.

The real magic happens when I connect the Opump Breathing Trainer to the app. Not only does it provide a wealth of information about my respiratory health, but it also adds a gamification element to my training. I can choose from a variety of enjoyable games to play while I breathe, which keeps me motivated and engaged. Plus, the app provides personalized recommendations for training courses based on my current respiratory strength and goals.

And let me tell you, the Opump app is incredibly user-friendly. I had no problem connecting my device and navigating the different features.

What Do You Get In The Box

When you open the box of the Opump breathing trainer, you’ll find all the necessary items to get started.

Included are 2 cotton swabs for cleaning, 1 extension tube, and 2 mouthpieces.

You also get two manuals – one in English and one in Chinese – so you can understand how best to use your device.

Plus, if you register online, you can take advantage of a bonus 1-year warranty on top of the original 1-year warranty as well as priority customer service and VIP exclusive discounts.

Who Should Use It And How Often To Use It

As someone who’s tried out the OPUMP breathing trainer for a few weeks now, I can confidently say that it’s an extremely versatile device that can benefit a wide range of people. Whether you’re young or old, an athlete or simply looking to improve your lung capacity and breathing performance, this device has got you covered.

In fact, it’s not just limited to physical health benefits either. Musicians, teachers, and even just people who experience stress or difficulty sleeping can also see great results from incorporating the OPUMP breathing trainer into their daily routine.

Using it couldn’t be simpler either. Most people only need to use it once or twice a day for just 5-10 minutes in order to derive all the benefits. Of course, you can adjust this time based on your own individual needs and preferences.

I also find that the OPUMP makes for an excellent gift. It’s thoughtful, unique, and can help improve someone’s health and well-being. Plus, with its sleek and compact design, it’s easy to take with you wherever you go.

All in all, I highly recommend giving this device a try and incorporating it into your daily routine. Trust me, your body (and possibly even your singing voice) will thank you.

Pros & cons

Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons.

  • Aesthetically pleasing design
  • Easy to set up
  • Easily portable - take it anywhere
  • Mini-games to keep things interesting
  • There may be times when tracking is glitchy
  • A bit on the pricey side


I thought I’d share some knowledge about a few alternative products that you can consider if you’re in the market for a breathing trainer. Let’s check them out:

1. Airofit

The Airofit is a respiratory muscle trainer that’s also categorized as a smart breathing trainer. It tracks your breathing performance and provides tailored breathing exercises for you to practice. It claims to improve your vital capacity, anaerobic threshold, and respiratory strength, among other things. While it’s a bit pricier than the OPUMP, it does seem to come with more features.

2. Breather Fit

The Breather Fit is a respiratory muscle trainer that utilizes airflow resistance to improve your breathing muscles. It claims to help you increase your inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength, as well as improve your respiratory and cardio performance. While it doesn’t look as sleek as the OPUMP, it’s still a highly functional product.

So there you have it, folks! two alternative products to consider if you’re interested in improving your breathing muscles and overall health.


What I love most about the Opump is its precision engineering and the convenience of being able to use it anywhere, anytime. Whether I’m at home or traveling, I can easily incorporate it into my daily routine. And with the free mobile app, I have access to personalized breathing programs and progress tracking, like having a personal respiratory coach in my pocket.

There is one thing, however. You will need to close and restart the app sometimes if the device goes haywire and does not track properly. This might be a glitch in the app or a problem with my phone.

If you’re looking to improve your respiratory health, increase accessible lung capacity, and strengthen your breathing muscles, I highly recommend giving the Opump a try. It’s a small investment that can result in big benefits for your overall health and athletic performance.

You can purchase the Opump breathing trainer here and start experiencing the benefits for yourself. Trust me, your lungs and overall health will thank you!

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